What is this feature for
On the Summary’s Tab, in the My Panel module, it is possible to visualize Tasks, Problem Solving, Indicators, Occurrences, and Projects in an easy and fast way.
This function allows you to manage these items with a facility to access and more efficiency
Analyzing the KPIs on the Indicators Summary
It is possible to filter the KPI’s visualization, in case you want to analyze just a specific part of them.
The options are: By Unit/Management Plan, Frequency, Launched and Accumulated.
It is standard to show the Unit that the user belongs when the user enters the Indicators Summary.
By accessing More options, it is possible to filter the KPI by Type, if it will show the KPIs Only Active or not, if it will show Only Important KPIs or not and if it will show Only Shared KPIs or not.
In the upper panel are shown the KPIs that had its Target achieved, Those that had not its target achieved, total KPIs and null KPIs.
The KPIs that had its target achieved is shown with the color green in its number, symbolizing achievement.
The KPIs with the blue color is the KPIs that had its target overcome.
The KPIs that had not its target achieved is shown with the red color in its number.
The KPIs that are shown with the yellow color in its number is the KPIs that had its target almost achieved.
In the superior part of the card, is shown the number of KPIs in each situation, in the status of the card. Next to its number, is shown the percentage in relation to the total of this status.
For example: this icon symbolizes that has 3 KPIs with its target overcome, and that represents 2% of the total of KPIs that had its target achieved.
On the other hand, that icon shows that 10 KPIs almost achieved its targets. That represents 9% of the total KPIs with its target not achieved.
The inferior panel has the same way to view. In it, it is possible to see which Unit is shown.
When you visualize by Unit, it is possible to see all the hierarchy levels of the Units, making possible to see all the Units that are subordinated to the others.
This view option is only possible in case you have access to all the Units from the hierarchy. In case you don’t, the panel shows only the Units you have access to.
The chart is marked by a number and a color. the green symbolizes the target achievement, the red the not target achievement. The blue symbolizes the target overcome and the yellow an almost achieved target.
By clicking on the panel’s number, it is shown a spreadsheet. In it, it is shown the KPIs by the same classification (Target achieved, Target not achieved, Total, Null).
The difference is that in this spreadsheet is shown the Result Area of the KPI, the KPI’s name, The values of real and target and its Tolerance Ranges.
Generating Excel
It is possible to export the KPI’s numeric panel to excel, in case you want to access it offline.
You can export by clicking on the Generate Excel option, that is located on the upper right corner. By clicking on this option, you will have to choose between two options: Simple and Detailed.
In case you choose the Simple option, the spreadsheet will show only the KPIs grouped by:
- Unit
- Achieved Target
- Not Achieved Target
- Total
- Null
In case you choose the Detailed, the spreadsheet will show the KPIs grouped by:
- Occurrence
- Unit
- Management Unit Hierarchy
- Management Unit Hierarchy Level
- Result Area
- Indicator Type
- Indicator
- Measuring Unit
- Actual
- Target
- LI
- LS
- KPIs Status
- Has an Improvement Opportunity
In the spreadsheet, the hierarchy is shown in the following way: The Management Units that is this hierarchy and which place this Unit has in the hierarchy, in a crescent order.
For example: In the Site Air Unit, we have the following hierarchy: Presidency >>>>>>>>> Supervision >>>>>>> Site Air.
In the spreadsheet, the Management Unit Hierarchy column will show that way: Presidency/Supervision/Site Air.
The Management Unit Hierarchy Level will show the number 3.
The column Management Unit Hierarchy only shows the Units that are above the Unit in question. In case that this Unit is the first in the hierarchy, it will be shown only this Unit.
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