Module this feature covers
My Panel / Summary
What is this feature for
Using Strawts it’s possible to extract a summary of tasks, indicators, Problem Solving, Indicators, or Occurrences, and those summaries can be basic or detailed.
From now on, we implemented 2 new columns in the detailed indicator summary: Analysis scenario 1 and 2. To know how to customize the scenarios, please look up “Customizing terms for indicator scenarios” article.
Impacted areas
Currently the indicators with the polarities “up is better”, “down is better” and “on point” have 4 different scenarios: “Actual”, “Target”, analysis scenarios 1 and 2. These scenarios will have their values populated on columns “O”, “P”, “S” and “T”.
The “on range is better” indicator has, in addition to the “Actual” and “Target”, the “LI” and “LS” scenarios. These other scenarios will have their values populated in columns “Q” and “R” in the summary.
To know how to generate an Excel file with the summary, please refer to “Analyzing the KPIs on the Indicators Summary” article.
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