Module that the functionality covers
Corporate Performance
What is the purpose of this functionality?
From now on, it will be possible to define the comparison that generates the percentage of achievement per indicator in the Scorecard. This way, the tool becomes more flexible and adaptable to the scenario that best serves each of the indicators that make up the map.
Defining the comparison for the indicators
To define the comparison used in the indicators, it is necessary to access the Scorecard edition:
In this screen, all the indicators that make up the map will be listed, along with the comparison used in each of them.
The default comparison is the one established in the basic settings of the Scorecard, and can be viewed on this screen.
To change the comparison used in the indicator, simply click on the comparison field next to the name, uncheck the "Keep the default" option, and choose which scenarios will compose the Result and Reference of this indicator. This comparison will be used for the performance calculation (percentage of achievement).
Viewing the Map and the Dashboard after defining specific comparisons for the indicator
To understand how the visualization on the MAP looks, it is important to remember that in STRATWs, there are two types of Scorecards:
- Process Scorecard: Allows the parameterization of subprocesses and indicators linked to them. In this Scorecard, the indicators are visible on the map;
- Strategic Scorecard: It is possible to parameterize Perspectives > Strategic Objectives > Indicators. In this Scorecard, the indicators are not visible on the map;
In the Process Scorecard, when viewing the values of the indicators, the abbreviation of the scenarios used in the comparison will be displayed:
In the "KPIs" Screen of both Scorecards, if the indicator does not follow the default comparison, it will be possible to identify which scenario was used.
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