- What is this feature for
- what had change until now
- Scorecard total results view and Default Comparison
What is this feature for
The exhibition of the total results on the Scorecard was not necessary for some situations. The present data were not making any value to the Scorecard.
Thinking about that, now it’s possible to opt for the exhibition of that information. Some other layout settings were made and now the Scorecard map prioritizes the monthly view, bringing only the selected month results
That optimizes your workspace, offering a better presentation view. None information was lost, we’ll list the alteration comparative bellow:
What changed until now
The option of change from a Scorecard to another is in the same location, on the upper left corner of the screen.
The real change is the location of the option that allows you to alternate from the map to KPIs. Now, this option is in the upper right corner of the screen.
The YTD, calendar, and view options are on the upper right corner of the screen. That makes your navigation through the Scorecard easier.
The month total results are now on the top of the screen. The general results of the other months are shown when you click on the calendar.
The total result is now available as an option when a Scorecard is created or by clicking in Edit Scorecard.
By focus on the specific month view, we gain a better workspace on the Scorecard.
By click on the Edit Scorecard option, there will be a new feature: The Default Comparison. This feature allows you to choose the first values that will be shown when you access the Scorecard.
Some kinds of Scorecard cannot show some values, for example, the Strategic Performance Scorecard works only with performance and don’t show the actual and meta values.
By clicking in Edit Map of Scorecard, you’ll find different options now. The total results option, as said, are available in the moment of creation of the Scorecard.
The available options on this feature are: Change the background image, units that access.
By clicking on the icon , you can hide or show perspectives, bookmark the Scorecard or delete the scorecard.
The other edition map options are the same as the old Scorecard.
Scorecard total results view and Default Comparison
The two biggest changes on the new Scorecard were the Scorecard total results view and the Default Comparison.
Now, when you create a Scorecard or click on Edit Scorecard, the exhibition of the total results on the Scorecard is optional. To do that, on the Scorecard configurations screen, click on yes on the option View Scorecard total result.
The view is now by month and is shown on the top of the screen. In case you want access the other months results, click on the calendar and it will be shown.
The default comparison is selected in the same way. That functionality alouds you to choose the values that will be immediately shown when you access the Scorecard.
To do that, click on Edit Scorecard and click on the icon below the Default Comparison option. After that, select the value you want to be shown and click on the icon .
As shown, the Strategic Performance Scorecard do not show the Actual and Target values, because they are not used.
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