- What this feature is for
- Creating a task KPI based on a Project
- Acessing a task KPI based on a Project
- Viewing and editing a Task KPI filter
- Analyzing a task KPI
What this feature is for
The creation of an KPI whose source is a set of tasks helps in situations that want to assess the performance of the tasks created and designated within a specific context. The assessment can also be carried out based on the number of tasks within that context.
A criação de um indicador cuja fonte é um conjunto de tarefas auxilia em situações que se deseja avaliar o desempenho da realização das tarefas criadas e designadas dentro de um contexto específico. A avaliação pode ser realizada, também, a partir da quantidade de tarefas dentro daquele contexto.
For this scenario, it will be possible to create an KPI of all the tasks of a given Project.
It is expected that a task KPI behaves in the same way as others existing in the system, that is, it is possible to define targets, compare periods of this data, among other features.
Creating a task KPI based on an Project
Within the Projects Portfolio module, access an Project that has tasks in one or more Action Plans.
Once inside the Project, in the upper right corner, find the icon to "Add Task Indicator".
On the new tab, select the type of measurement, which represents the data source to measure your tasks, either by quantity or progress.
In the case of quantity, the calculation is made according to the number of tasks existing in the selected context. If you select progress, the calculation is done according to the ratio of progress made and expected progress (of execution) of these tasks.
Unlike a common task KPI, the filters to create this KPI are already filled in according to the context in which this Project is located.
When creating an KPI along the path mentioned above, the standard filter will include all tasks in the project. This includes action plan tasks + schedule tasks. If you do not want to include schedule or certain action plans tasks in the KPI to be created, it is possible to improve the filter, so that you can specify the desired tasks for analysis.
Accessing a task KPI based on a Project
After creating your KPI, access the Corporate Performance module, click on KPIs or SpreadSheet, select the Management Plan and Unit that you chose when creating the KPI.
Then, access the task KPI. All KPI items are available, they are: Details, Charts, Tasks, Comments, Problem Solving and Documents.
The KPI data is posted automatically, according to the task updates in the filter. It is necessary to carry out the consolidation of the KPI or the Unit for data to be updated. The minimum possible frequency for it is monthly.
Viewing and editing a task KPI filter
In the modal that opens, click on the "Details" tab and below, under "Data source (Tasks)", the filters that have been selected will be displayed. This information can also be accessed by clicking on Indicator properties (3 dots next to the indicator name> Properties).
To edit these filters, just click on the "Edit" button and on the modal that opens, click on the filters you want to change and select the new settings. Then, click on the "Save" button.
It is necessary to consolidate the KPI so that the updated data is displayed on the Unit SpreadSheet/KPI pages.
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