Module of this feature
In Sight Management
What is this feature for?
Enable the creation of several versions for a given content, allowing to adapt the versions according to the date of the report and maintain the history of the contents already presented. It is very useful in meeting presentations, where it is important to keep the history of the content presented but it is necessary to adapt it for the next meeting without losing that history.
Creating a new version
To create a new version of a content, go to In Sight Management > Reports and access the desired report edition. Locate the Content that will have a new version and access its edition.
Then, click on the link with the description and version date, a popover should be displayed with a text field to register the version description and a date field to define the date of the version, enter this information and click the Add button .
It is not mandatory to inform the description when creating a new version. If this information is not provided, the version description will be the tip displayed in the description text field.
It is important to highlight that, if a date used by another version is informed, the system will display a validation message, as only one version per date is allowed.
The new version created inherits the content of the version dated before it, if there is an earlier version. If not, then the version will have empty content.
Editing a version
To edit a version of a content, go to In Sight Management > Reports and access the desired report edition. Locate the Content and access its edition.
To edit version content:
Select the desired version for viewing and then you can change the content items as desired.
To edit the description or version date:
Click on the link with the description and version date and a popover will be displayed containing all existing versions for the Content. Locate the version you want to edit, place the mouse over it and click the edit icon . Then, change the description and the desired date for the version and then click on the save icon
. If you want to cancel the edit, click the cancel icon
In the edition, the description and the date are mandatory and it is not allowed to inform a date that is already being used in another version.
Deleting a version
To delete a version of a content, go to In Sight Management > Reports and access the desired report edition. Locate the desired Content and access its edition.
Then click on the link with the description and version date and a popover will be displayed containing all existing versions for the Content.
Locate the version you want to delete, place the mouse over it and click the delete icon .
Then, click Yes to confirm or No to cancel the delete action.
Browsing versions
It is possible to navigate between versions using the arrows to the left and right and also directly to a specific version. To do this, click on the link with the description and version date, where a popover will be displayed with all the existing versions. Then, click on the version you want to view.
Viewing the content according to the date selected in the report
While viewing the report, the contents will be displayed according to the date selected in the presentation. The Content will be displayed when there is a version for the selected date or after it, otherwise it should not appear, as the system understands that on the date informed the Content did not exist, so it does not make sense to display any version.
When selecting a date that has a version, the Content must be displayed, along with the navigation control between versions.
- Documents and Tasks links have no history kept in versions, they are displayed in all versions that have the item to which they are linked.
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