What is this feature for
The model to a Qualitative KPI allows you to create a standard model for this kind of KPI, including its checklist, to facilitate the inclusion of this KPI on a Management Unit.
Setting a model to a Qualitative KPI
Access the Settings and, on the Corporate Performance tab, click on KPIs. After that, click on the Add icon.
At the modal that opened, click on the Qualitative option e define the KPI’s name, its Result Area, if it will be Active or not and his tolerances. After setting it all, click on save.
With the KPI’s name saved, click on the checklist tab. Add the grouping you want by typing its name on the field and pressing enter. On the field below the grouping name, you can add the items you want to your checklist. Is just put its name and press the icon.
If you want to, you can add a description to your item. After setting your checklist, click on save.
This KPI will be a standard model to the KPIs that will be added to the Management Unit. By adding this KPI created directly on the Management Unit, the standard model created will be added too, including the checklist.
That means, the KPI created on the Management Unit inherits the standard model of the one created on the settings. If this relation is not undone, all the changes in the settings KPI will be done on the Management Unit KPI.
To add a KPI on the Management Unit, go on the Corporate Performance module and click on the KPIs option. After that, select the Management Plan you want. Click on the icon and search for the standard KPI you have created.
After, select the KPI’s type, the Result Area and click on save.
If you click on the “Redefine to this UG” option, on the Management Unit KPI checklist, The relation with the standard model will be undone.
This action can be reversed by clicking on the “Reset to Defaults” option. By confirming this action, the relation will be restored and all the changes that were done on the checklist during the unlink period will be lost.
What changed until now
Some changes were made on the Qualitative KPI, to improve the user experience. Before the feature, were not possible to create a qualitative KPI on the settings, only on the Management Unit that the user wanted to add.
Now, it is possible to create a KPI on the settings, that will be a model to the KPI added on the Management Unit.
- Before:
- After:
Another change in the user experience was at the moment that the checklist is created.
It is also possible to go to the end of the list by clicking on the icon and to collapse/expand the groupings by clicking on the
icons, respectively.
In addition to create a standard model, it is possible to add groupings by pressing enter. Besides, there is the Enable ordering option, if you want to order your groupings.
It is also possible to duplicate a grouping, by clicking on the icon.
- Before:
- After:
Another important change was on the permissions. Before, any user that had the permission to change the Management Unit was able to create a Qualitative KPI.
Now, only the users that are Administrators os super-users can create a Qualitative KPI on the settings, that is, create a standard model.
The other users can only add a Qualitative KPI that was already set. That is, they can only create a follow-up KPI.
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