Module this feature covers
Individual Performance
What this feature is for
A block contains several indicators, each indicator can have headlights that vary between red, green, yellow and blue. The definition of the headlight for each indicator depends on the tolerances defined for it. This functionality brings to the block an automatic definition of its headlights, from the headlights defined for the indicators that compose it. Thus, the block also has the possibility of having a red, yellow, green or blue headlight.
Defining the Headlights in a Block
During the construction phase of the indicators in STRATWs, we could already define their tolerances for the colors yellow, green and blue. Right?
Good! Then, when you enter these indicators in a block, a weighted average will be made for each tolerance. The results of these averages define the block tolerances.
In the example below, the “Corporate Indicators” block has the indicators “Number of Sales” and “Sales Revenue”.
Let's calculate the tolerance of the blue band of the block. For this, we will calculate the average weighted by the weight of the indicators. Consider that the weight is equal to 10 for both indicators. So, we will have:
= [(15%*10) + (20% * 10)] / (10 + 10)
= 15%
For the green tolerance:
= [(10%*10) + (0% * 10)] / (10 + 10)
= 5%
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