Module that the functionality covers
What this functionality is for
Profiles that are allowed for this functionality
Configuring the colors of the Scores in the Panels
Viewing the colors in the Panels
Module that the functionality covers
Individual Performance
What is this functionality for
The Results Program is used to create panels that measure, through Indicators and Objectives, the performance of a person or area. This performance is often linked to the payment of company bonuses.
From now on, it will be possible to configure colors (red, yellow, green, and blue) for the Scores of these panels. This possibility facilitates the visual analysis and the employee's understanding of whether his or her performance is below or within expectations.
Profiles that are allowed for this functionality
To configure the relationship between colors and scores, you must have an Administrator or Superuser profile.
To view the colors in panel scores, you only need access to one or more panels in the Results Program;
Configuring the colors of the Scores in the Panels
To configure the ratio of colors and scores you need to access the Results Program settings. To do this, go to Settings > Management Plans. Choose the Management Plan in question and then choose the Results Program you want to configure.
Then go to the "Appearance" tab of the Results Program. Note, at the bottom of the page, the "Set Color for Total" option. This field defines whether the Results Program will have colors linked to the score or not.
If you want to use the colors, simply select "Yes". See that when you check this option, the color settings are displayed:
You have the option not to use yellow and blue. Just uncheck the checkbox next to these colors.
After defining which colors will be used, simply enter the notes that will be contemplated in each of the colors. To do this, enter the value of the note in the highlighted fields below:
It is necessary that the values entered follow a logic, where Red Color Score < Yellow Color Score < Green Color Score < Blue Color Score.
After parameterizing according to your company's needs, just save and the configuration made will be applied to all panels of this Results Program.
Viewing the colors in the Panels
To view the Scores with the configured colors, simply access a panel in the Results Program!
For the calculations made after the feature was launched, the colors are also displayed in the list of users/areas calculated:
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