Module this feature covers
What this feature is for
How to create a Bonus Dashboard for a user in the Results Program
Bonus Dashboard Approval Flow for a user in the Results Program
How to edit a Results Program Dashboard
How to verify and generate the HR bonus result file
Module this feature covers
Individual Performance
What this feature is for
The Individual Performance module is a very valuable tool for analyzing and making important decisions in Human Resources Management such as promotions, bonuses, training or dismissals.
In this module, we have the Results Programs, which represents a form of rewarding a company's employees based on their performance in achieving the goals of their area, business unit, and/or the entire company.
The Results Program can be created by Management Unit or by user, that is, it is possible to create a results program dashboard for a Management Unit or a results dashboard specific to a user.
The form of contracting can be done by a group of users or by one user.
In this article we will emphasize the Results Program by user, how to create a bonus dashboard for a user, how to make edits, such as changing dashboard indicators or changing weights, going forward or backward in the dashboard flow, and also how to make tabulations, which are the generations of HR bonus results files.
- How to create a Bonus Dashboard for a user in the Results Program
The creation of a dashboard allows indicators and/or objectives to be inserted into a given Results Program Dashboard. With this, it is possible to analyze results and arrive at a total score for the user's panel, serving as a parameter for promotions, bonuses, training, or dismissals.
The Results Program must already have been created and parameterized in the Management Plan in order to be able to create a new Bonus Dashboard.
Go to Individual Performance > Results Program module, select the desired Results Program as well as the user, and click on the "set period" button:
Select the Management Unit and the period that Dashboard will cover.
In the example below, the dashboard will be divided into two periods, one from January to July and one from August to December:
Before adding the indicators, there is the option to group them in blocks. This helps in the analysis of the Dashboard, it may be important to group your items by theme to facilitate understanding and highlight different contexts. It is very common, for example, to group the items in two blocks, one being "Individual Result" which receives indicators and/or goals that show the individual performance of the person responsible for that Dashboard, and the other block, "Corporate Result", which groups Indicators and/or Corporate Goals that are more related to the Company's result.
Note: If you want to learn more about the Functionality of Blocks, there is as article at the following link: Creating Blocks in a Results Program's Panel
To create a block, enter its name, if desired, enter a weight, and click in the button “+”:
Will be shown the buttons for adding the indicators and create objectives. In this example we will focus on adding the indicators :
Check the box of the desired indicators:
After that, the weights will be displayed and, if desired, there is an option to insert the weights, as shown in the image below:
To create another period for the panel, just click again on the "Set period" button and follow the step-by-step explained above again, until you have the whole panel configured:
Note that the Dashboard is in the preparations stage, and you can go through the steps until it is approved. We will see this procedure in the next part of this article.
- Bonus Dashboard Approval Flow for a user in the Results Program.
When a Dashboard is created and the contemplated period or periods are added, as we can see in the topic above, they start at the "In Elaboration" stage. After elaborating the entire Dashboard, it is possible to advance through the steps of the contemplated periods to the "Approved" stage.
Note: If you want to learn more about the Functionality of approval, there is as article at the following link: Flow of contracting and approval of the Results Program
- How to edit a Results Program Dashboard
To edit a dashboard/periods contemplated that are already in the "Approved" stage, it is necessary to return the flow of that period that you want to edit, to the previous step, the review stage
You can do this by clicking on the step button and going back to the revision, as in the example below when editing the period from January to July:
Or, by clicking on the "Pencil" button in the modal that opens in the right side of the screen, click on the Edit button:
And then you will be allowed to edit the weights, add new indicators, delete them, making the desired changes:
Note: each period covered in the Dashboard has its own individual approval flow.
- How to verify and generate the HR bonus result file
The calculation can be considered as the generation of a HR bonus result file. This register works as a "picture" taken from the panels at the moment of the calculation, so that the registered information does not suffer alteration even when the panel is changed. This functionality can be used to reward employees according to their results in the period in question.
- Settings > Management Plan
- Desired year > Result Program
- Calculation tab > Calculate
- Select the Calculation period
- In the Unit, Position and Collaborators filters, define which collaborators will be calculated, apply the selection and click on Calculate.
- Wait for the progress to complete and the tally will be available in the tally list
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