- Module of this feature
- What is this feature for?
- Setting weights for appraisers relationships
- Calculating the final grade
- Viewing the final grade of the appraisee
Module of this feature
Talent Management
What is this feature for?
In a Multi-Evaluators Cycle, a definition of weights is available for each relationship that is evaluating an employee, with the final grade being a weighted average between them. Thus, the final grade is calculated based not only on the assessment carried out by the Manager, but also on other relationships, thus making the Assessment more impartial.
Setting weights for appraisers relationships
To register or edit an Performance Review Cycle, it is necessary to have an Administrator or Super-user profile.
After registering an Performance Review Cycle, the option Configure evaluators will be available.
When you click Configure evaluators, the rater selection screen will be displayed (to learn more about setting up multi-evaluators in the cycle, click here).
After enabling the desired relationships for the cycle, the Weight field will be available in each of the relationships:
Just enter the desired weights for the enabled relationships and save.
It is possible to configure whether the grades and answers given by the Peers and Subordinates relationships will be visible to the appraisee. To enable the visualization, just check the options of View note of Peers and/or View note of subordinates:
- If any relationship has zero weight assigned and the others have valid weights, the relationship that has zero weight will be disregarded from the calculation;
- If any relationship has no weight assigned and the others have weights, the relationship that has no weight will be disregarded from the calculation.
Calculating the final grade
The calculation of the final grade is a weighted average of the grades of the evaluations of all relations, using the weight defined for each one of them.
Final grade = ((M.N. * W) + (S.N. * W) + (P.N. * W) + (Sub.N. * W)) / (Sum of weights)
M.N. = Manager Note
S.N.. = Self-Assessment Note
P.N. = Pairs Note
Sub.N.= Subordinates Note
W = Weight
Below, we have an evaluation cycle in which weights of 10 were defined for Manager, 2 for Peers and subordinates and 5 for Self-Assessment.
To arrive at the total score of the Peer and Subordinate relationships, a simple average of the scores of all the evaluators of these relationships is made.
Upon completion of the assessment by all reviewers, the final grade will be displayed, calculated by the weighted average:
Final grade = ((4.50 * 10) + (5.00 * 5) + (3.75 * 2) + (1.13 * 2)) / (19)
Final grade = ((45) + (25) + (7.5) + (2.26)) / (19)
Final grade = (79.76) / (19)
Final grade = 4.20
- If any of the enabled relations do not have weight informed, the Final Grade will be made by a simple average of the grades;
- If the appraisee does not have any of the relationships configured for the cycle, this relationship will not be considered in the calculation.
Viewing the final grade of the appraisee
The evaluatee's final grade is only displayed after all relationships have completed the appraisal of the employee in question and it is only viewed by the Manager and by the appraisee.
Viewing subordinates' notes
The Subordinates tab will only be displayed if the logged in user holds a leading position, which is determined in the user registration. You also need to have subordinate users, that is, users that you have set as Immediate Leader (to learn more about setting up multi-evaluators in the cycle, click here).
By accessing the Subordinates tab, you can view the cards of the collaborators who are your subordinates. In this way, you will be able to view the scores of each of the evaluators' lists and also the result of the final score:
It is also possible to view the final grade and the other grades when we access the comparation view:
Viewing my review grades
The My Evaluation tab shows the result of the performance evaluation itself, when it has already been completed by all the relationships configured in the cycle.
The grades assigned by the Manager and Self-Assessment can always be viewed, but the grades of Peer and Subordinate relationships must have the view enabled for the assessed.
To view the final grade and the other grades of your own assessment, go to the My Assessment tab and go to the Comparation view:
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