- Module of this feature
- What is this feature for?
- Profiles that have permission for this functionality
- Evaluations Results Report
Module of this feature
Talent Management
What is this feature for?
With this functionality, the Administrator will be able to follow the grades and results obtained from the performance evaluations that were carried out. The report brings the final result and also the result obtained from the evaluations of each relationship (Manager, Self assessment, Peers and/or subordinates).
Profiles that have permission for this functionality
To access the Talent Management reports, it is necessary to have the Administrator or Super user profile.
Evaluations Results Report
Access the Talent Management > Reports menu. Select the desired Management Plan and Evaluation Cycle. Then select the Evaluations Results Report. The Management Unit filter is optional, if not informed, all employees who participate in the Evaluation Cycle and who have registered actions will be considered, regardless of the Management Unit to which they belong.
After selecting the desired information, click Apply Filter. Then, the report will be presented on the screen, bringing the view of the actions of the Evaluatees.
The Individual Action Plans monitoring report will contain the following information:
- Evaluatee;
- Appraisee's Email;
- Evaluatee's job;
- Immediate Leader;
- Unit;
- Stage;
- Evaluation Form;
- Final grade Evaluated;
- Relation - Manager;
- Score - Manager;
- Weight - Manager;
- Relation - Self assessment;
- Score - Self assessment;
- Weight - Self assessment;
- Relation - Peers;
- Score - Peers;
- Weight - Peers;
- Relation - Subordinates;
- Score - Subordinates;
- Weight - Subordinates.
It is also possible to use the Search field to filter the results by the name of the evaluatee.
It is possible to export the report in excel, if desired. To do so, just click on the Generate Excel button, present at the top right of the screen.
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