Module of this feature
Talent Management
What is this feature for?
In a Multi-Appraiser Cycle, a definition of weights is available for each relationship that is evaluating an employee, with the final grade being a weighted average between them. Thus, the final grade is calculated based not only on the assessment carried out by the Manager, but also on other relationships, thus making the Assessment more impartial.
When answering a performance appraisal, the grade is calculated according to each answer given (to learn more about the performance appraisal form, click here).
Assuming an informative and transparent character, it is possible to show the score related to the answers informed by an evaluator when answering a performance review.
Setting the grade view as evaluator
To register or edit an Performance Review Cycle, it is necessary to have an Administrator or Super-user profile.
After registering an Performance Review Cycle, the option Configure evaluators will be available.
When you click Configure evaluators, the evaluator selection screen will be displayed (to learn more about setting up multi evaluators in the cycle, click here).
By clicking on the options menu , available in the different types of reviewers, the grade visibility options for that type of review will be displayed, as follows:
- For Manager and Self assessment, only one option will be displayed: "Display score for the evaluator while evaluating", and for the Manager this option is already checked by default.
- For Peers and Subordinates two options are displayed: "Display relationship score for the appraisee in the comparison view" e "Display score for the evaluator while evaluating".
Just check the views you want to allow and Save.
Then finish configuring the cycle and send it to the "In Review" phase.
Viewing the grade as an evaluator
When evaluating a employee, the grade will be displayed or not, according to what was configured for the evaluators of the cycle in question.
If the cycle is configured to allow viewing the notes, it will be displayed as follows:
If the cycle is configured to not allow viewing the notes, it will be displayed as follows:
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