- Module of this feature
- What is this feature for?
- Creating the evaluation chains of a cycle
- Viewing and changing evaluation chains in the "In Preparation" phase
- Viewing the evaluation chains in the "In Review" phase
- Viewing the evaluation chains in the "Completed" phase
Module of this feature
Talent Management
What is this feature for?
We call Evaluation Chains the relationships between an Evaluatee and his Evaluators. In a Multi-Evaluators Cycle, these chains are automatically generated by the system, but the Administrator cannot see who the Evaluatees are and their respective Evaluators chosen randomly.
Therefore, this functionality brings this vision to the Administrator, so that he can validate the assembly of Chains and make any changes, if necessary.
Creating the evaluation chains of a cycle
To register or edit an Performance Review Cycle, it is necessary to have an Administrator or Super-user profile (to learn more about registering a cycle, click here).
After configuring the evaluators and forms for the Cycle, the option Generate Evaluation Chains will be available. When activating it, the system will generate the chains and display the Manage Evaluations screen.
After generating the Evaluation Chains, the information on the "Define Relations" and "Select Evaluatees and Forms" tabs will be locked for editing. To change them again, it is necessary to remove the chains that were generated, through the button Delete Evaluation Chains. Then, just make the necessary changes and again Generate Evaluation Chains.
Manage Evaluations
On the Manage Evaluations screen, cards from the review phases will be displayed, where it will be possible to view the number of users rated and the number of reviews in each of them:
- In Preparation: phase where the generated chains are displayed and where changes are allowed;
- In Review: phase that displays the chains that are in the evaluation phase;
- Completed: phase that displays the Evaluatees who had their evaluations completed.
- The button Generate Evaluation Chains is only enabled on the "In preparation" phase and while the chains have note been generated, within the "Select Evaluatees and Forms" tab.
Viewing and changing evaluation chains in the "In Preparation" phase
In the 'In Preparation' phase, it is possible to make changes to the generated chains, that is, it's possible to change the evaluators or even remove evaluators. To access the generated chains, click on the icon .
All users who are eligible to be evaluated in this cycle will be displayed, as well as the users who will be responsible for evaluating them (Manager, Peers and Subordinates, if the cycle in question has these evaluators enabled).
At this stage, it is allowed to change the evaluation form, change evaluators and remove evaluators from the cycle.
It is possible to search for certain collaborators through the filter. You will be able to filter by a given Management Unit, by Positions, select employees directly or those who hold a leadership position.
By clicking on the search field, the system will display all available options for the search.
When applying a filter, all evaluation chains that have collaborators that fit the applied criteria will be displayed.
For example, I filtered the "CEO" position. Then, all chains that have at least one employee who is an "CEO" will be displayed:
Disabling self assessment of an appraisee
You can disable Self assessment for a evaluatee. For this to be possible, the cycle must have Self assessment enabled on the "Define Relations" tab.
To disable the Self assessment, navigate to the evaluated user and click on the icon .
Changing evaluation form
It is possible to change the form that will be used in the evaluation of a specific evaluator. For this to be possible, the cycle must have two or more forms registered in the "Select Evaluatees and Forms" section.
To change the form, navigate to the evaluated user and click on the icon and select the form that should be used.
Changing relationship evaluators
It is possible to change a user's evaluators for any of the Manager, Peer or Subordinate relationships.
To change the evaluator of the Manager relationship, click on the icon of the user who is the current Manager, select the new evaluator and click on Change.
To change evaluators of Peer or Subordinate relationships, click on the icon of the user you want to change, select the new evaluator and click Change.
Adding Peer or Subordinate Evaluators
To add new Peer or Subordinate evaluators, simply click on the icon available at the end of the row of evaluatee's list. Then select the desired user and click Add.
Removing Peer and Subordinate Appraisers
You can remove appraisers from Peer or Subordinate relationships. To do this, click on the icon of the user you want to remove and confirm.
Removing Evaluatees from the Performance Review cycle
If any employee should not be evaluated in the cycle, it is possible to remove them.
For this, just locate the desired user and press the Delete command.
- The Manager evaluator cannot be removed, it can only be changed;
- Peer and Subordinate evaluators can be changed, removed or added;
- It is not possible to add the same user in different relationships of the same Evaluation Chain.
Advanced the cycle for the "In Review" phase
After completing the necessary changes to the evaluation chains, you need to send the cycle to the "In Review" phase so that the evaluations can be carried out.
In addition to advancing the flow through the Cycle Details screen, it is also possible to do this on the Manage Evaluations screen, through the option Send all to Review.
From the moment the Cycle enters the "In Review" phase and its start date is in effect, the evaluations will be available to be carried out by the evaluators that have been defined.
Viewing the evaluation chains in the "In Review" phase
In the In Review phase, you can view the chains of evaluations that are in progress. At this stage it is not possible to make any changes to appraisers and appraisers.
Viewing the evaluation chains in the "Completed" phase
In the Completed phase, you can view the assessments that have already been completed. Evaluatees are only displayed in this phase when their Reviews are completed and approved.
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